►Nutl | UTL++ namespace |
CAccessDeniedEx | Access denied exception |
CAddressInUseEx | Address in use exception |
CAddressNotAvailableEx | Address not available exception |
CAddressOrdering | Address-based object ordering |
CAnd | Logical and predicate |
CApplication | Application base class |
CArithContext | Statistical context for ArithmeticEncoder |
CArithmeticEncoder | DCC95 arithmetic coder |
CArray | SortedCollection that stores objects in an array |
CArrayIt | Random-access Array iterator |
CAutoPtr | A "smart" pointer that can also be dumb |
CBase64decode | Decode binary data that was encoded using Base64 (the MIME / RFC 2045 encoding) |
CBase64encode | Encode binary data using Base64 (the MIME / RFC 2045 encoding) |
CBase64encoder | Base64 encoder/decoder stream |
CBBcodeParser | BBCode parser |
CBidIt | Bi-directional iterator abstraction |
CBinaryData | Vector of bytes |
CbinaryFunction | Abstraction for binary functions |
CBinaryPredicate | Abstraction for two-parameter predicates |
CBinTree | Binary tree abstraction |
CBinTreeBfsIt | Breadth-first BinTree iterator |
CBinTreeIt | In-order bi-directional BinTree iterator |
CBinTreeNode | Binary tree node |
CBitArray | Array of n-bit values |
CBitArrayElem | Reference to a value stored in a BitArray |
CBool | Boolean value |
CBoolToggle | Toggle a boolean value RAII-style |
CBoyerMooreSearch | Boyer-Moore string search |
CBufferedFDstream | Buffered stream with file descriptor |
CBufferedFileStream | Buffered disk file stream |
CBufferedSSLsocket | Buffered SSL socket stream |
CBufferedStream | Buffered stream |
CBufferedTCPsocket | Buffered TCP socket stream |
CBWTencoder | BWT-based coder |
CBytes | Number of bytes |
CCachedObject | Cached object |
CChar | Character value |
CCmdLineArgs | Parse command-line arguments |
CCollection | A collection of objects |
CcomparisonFunctor | Object comparison evaluator |
CComparisonPredicate | Abstraction for comparison predicates |
CConcurrentQueue | Thread-safe queue structure |
CConcurrentQueue_mutex | Utl::ConcurrentQueue that uses mutexes for the producer & consumer locks |
CConditionVar | Condition variable |
CConnectionRefusedEx | Connection refused exception |
CConnectionResetEx | Connection reset by peer exception |
CCRC32 | Generate CRC-32 checksums |
CDBconnection | Database connection |
CDBfield | Field in a DBresult tuple |
CDBresult | Database command result |
CDBresultIterator | Query result iterator |
CDecimal | Fixed-point decimal number |
CDeque | A sequence of objects permitting efficient insertion and removal at either end |
CDequeIt | Deque iterator |
CDirectory | Directory filesystem object |
CDuration | Duration of time |
CEncoder | Encoder/decoder abstraction |
Cequals | Object comparison predicate evaluator that returns the value of (lhs == rhs) |
CEqualTo | Equal-To predicate |
CException | Root of UTL++ exception class hierarchy |
CExtArray | Externally stored array of objects |
CFactory | Object creation abstraction |
CFastCGIserver | Abstract base for a FastCGI server (responder) |
CFDstream | Stream with file descriptor |
CFile | File in a filesystem |
CFileExistsEx | File already exists exception |
CFileNotFoundEx | File not found exception |
CFileSpec | FileSpec does shell-style filename globbing |
CFileStream | Disk file stream |
CFlagGuard | Flag guard |
CFlagsMI | Mix-in to provide 64-bits for space-efficient storage of up to 64 boolean flags |
CFloat | Floating point number |
CFSobject | Filesystem object |
CFSobjectFilter | Filesystem object filter |
CFSobjectOrdering | Filesystem object ordering |
CFwdIt | Forward iterator abstraction |
CGraph | Graph (directed or undirected) |
CGreaterThan | Greater-Than predicate |
CGreaterThanOrEqualTo | Greater-Than-Or-Equal-To predicate |
CHashFunction | Hash function |
CHashtable | Chained hashing collection |
CHashtableIt | Bi-directional Hashtable iterator |
CHeap | Heap data structure |
CHeapIt | Bi-directional Heap iterator |
CHostLookupEx | Host lookup failure exception |
CHostNoAddressEx | Host has no address exception |
CHostNotFoundEx | Host not found exception |
CHostOS | Abstraction for common OS functionality |
CHostOSEx | Host OS exception (abstract) |
CHttpChunkWriter | HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoder |
CHttpRequest | HTTP request |
CHttpResponse | HTTP response |
CHuffmanEncoder | Adaptive Huffman coder |
CIllegalValueEx | Illegal value exception |
CInetHostAddress | Internet host address |
CInetHostname | Internet host name |
CInt | 32-bit signed integer |
CInteger | Integer value |
CInterruptedSyscallEx | Interrupted system call exception |
CInvalidAddressEx | Invalid address/descriptor exception |
CInvertedKeyOrdering | Inverted key-based object ordering |
CInvertedNaturalOrdering | Inverted natural object ordering |
CIOmux | Stream (de)-multiplexor |
CIsA | Is-A predicate |
CKeyOrdering | Key-based object ordering |
ClessThan | Object comparison predicate evaluator that returns the value of (lhs < rhs) |
CLessThan | Less-Than predicate |
CLessThanOrEqualTo | Less-Than-Or-Equal-To predicate |
CLinuxHostOS | Encapsulate common UNIX OS functionality |
CList | Doubly-linked list |
CListIt | Bi-directional List iterator |
CListNode | List node |
CLocalServerSocket | Local host server socket |
CLocalSocket | Local host socket |
CLogMgr | Manage application event logging |
CLZencoder | LZ77-based compressor |
CMapping | Abstraction for object->object mapping |
CMaxObject | Sentinel maximum value |
CMD5 | Generate MD5 checksums |
CMD5sum | Store MD5 checksum |
CMemStream | Memory stream |
CMinGWhostOS | MinGW Host OS functionality |
CMultiKeyObject | Allows multi-key sort algorithms to be used with objects |
CMultiKeyOrdering | Abstract base for multi-key orderings |
CMutex | MUTual EXclusion device |
CMutexGuard | Acquire/release a Mutex RAII-style |
CNamedObjectMI | Named object mix-in |
CNaturalOrdering | Natural object ordering |
CNetCmdServer | Abstract base for networked server that accepts commands represented as Array objects |
CNetServer | Abstract base for multi-threaded network server |
CNetServerClient | Client connection to NetServer |
CNetworkEx | Network exception (abstract) |
CNetworkUnreachableEx | Network unreachable exception |
CNonDirectoryComponentEx | Non-directory component exception |
CNot | Logical not predicate |
CNumber | Numeric value |
CObject | Root of UTL++ class hierarchy |
CObjectCache | LRU object cache |
CObjectRegistry | Object registry |
CObjectSpan | Span of object-derived objects |
COr | Logical or predicate |
COrdering | Object comparison abstraction |
COStimer | Measure CPU time |
CPair | Simple container for two objects |
CParseEx | Parse exception |
CParseNode | Parse-tree node |
CPathname | Filesystem pathname |
CPointerIntPair | (Pointer,Int) pair |
CPointerIntPairBase | Non-template base class for PointerIntPair |
CPointerLikeTraits | Pointer-like traits |
CPredicate | Logical predicate abstraction |
CPrintf | Provide printf formatting strings for common types |
CPriorityQueue | Priority queue |
CQueue | FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure |
CRandIt | Random-access iterator abstraction |
CRBtree | Red/black tree |
CRBtreeNode | Red/black tree node |
CRDparser | Recursive-descent parser |
CRDparserEx | Base class for exceptions thrown by RDparser |
CReCaptcha | ReCaptcha response verifier |
CRegex | Regular expression |
CRingBuffer | Thread-safe fixed-size queue |
CRLencoder | Run-length coder |
CRunTimeClass | Store information about a class |
CRWlock | Read/write lock |
CRWlockGuard | Acquire/release a RWlock RAII-style |
CRWlockLF | Read/write lock (lock-free implementation) |
CRWlockLFguard | Acquire/release a RWlockLF RAII-style |
CScanEx | Scan exception |
CSemaphore | Counter for resources shared between threads |
CServerSocket | Local host server socket |
CSHA256 | Compute SHA256 cryptographic hash |
CSHA256sum | Store a SHA256 sum |
CSkipList | Skip list |
CSkipListIt | Bi-directional SkipList iterator |
CSkipListNode | SkipList node |
CSlistNode | Singly-linked list node |
CSortedCollection | Abstraction for a Collection whose objects may be sorted |
CSpan | Span of values |
CSpanAllocator | Span allocator |
CSpanCol | Span collection |
CSpanSizeOrdering | Order spans by size |
CSSLsocket | Secure socket |
CStack | LIFO (last-in, first-out) data structure |
CStream | Stream I/O abstraction |
CStreamEOFex | Stream EOF exception |
CStreamErrorEx | Stream I/O error exception |
CStreamEx | Stream exception (abstract) |
CStreamSerializeEx | Stream serialization exception |
CString | Character string |
CStringEscape | Character-based substitution |
CStringSet | Set of strings |
CStringTokenizer | String tokenizer |
CStringTranslator | String translator |
CStringVars | A set of (variable-name, variable-value) tuples |
Csubtract | Subtraction function |
CsubtractReverse | Reverse subtraction function |
CSymlink | Filesystem sym-link |
CSyslogStream | Syslog stream |
CTArray | Template version of Array |
CTBidIt | Templated proxy for BidIt |
CTCollection | Templated proxy for Collection |
CTConcreteRunTimeClass | Encapsulate class-related knowledge for concrete classes |
CTCPserverSocket | TCP server socket |
CTCPsocket | TCP socket |
CTDeque | Template version of Deque |
CTDequeIt | Template version of DequeIt |
CTFactory | Template version of Factory |
CTFwdIt | Templated proxy for FwdIt |
CTHashtable | Template version of Hashtable |
CTHashtableIt | Template version of HashtableIt |
CTHeap | Template version of Heap |
CTHeapIt | Template version of HeapIt |
CThread | Thread of execution |
CThreadCancelledEx | Thread cancelled exception |
CTime | Date/time |
CTimeSpan | Time span |
CTList | Template version of List |
CTListIt | Template version of ListIt |
CToken | Scanned token |
CTokenizer | Stream tokenizer |
CTokenizerTokens | Store tokens collected by Tokenizer |
CTRandIt | Templated proxy for RandIt |
CTranslator | Simple translator |
CTRBtree | Template version of RBtree |
CTRBtreeIt | Template version of RBtreeIt |
CTRunTimeClass | Template version of RunTimeClass |
CTSkipList | Template version of SkipList |
CTSkipListIt | Template version of SkipListIt |
CTSortedCollection | Templated proxy for SortedCollection |
CTypeOrdering | Order objects by type name first, and use the given ordering to compare objects of the same type |
CUint | 64-bit unsigned integer |
CUnaryPredicate | Abstraction for single-parameter predicates |
CUnixModeMask | Unix file mode mask |
CUnknownEx | Unknown exception |
CUnknownHostOSEx | Unknown host OS exception |
CURI | Generic URI (Universal Resource Identifier) |
CVector | A sequence of same-type objects |
CVector1d | One-dimensional vector |
CVector2d | Two-dimensional vector |
CVector3d | Three-dimensional vector |
CVectorMD | Abstract base for n-dimensional vectors |
CVertex | Graph vertex |