| Stack (bool owner) |
| Constructor. More...
T * | top () const |
| Determine what object is on top of the stack.
T * | pop () |
| Pop an object off the stack. More...
bool | push (const T &object) |
| Push an object onto the stack. More...
void | push (const T *object) |
| Push an object onto the stack. More...
| TArray (size_t size, size_t increment=uint_t_max, bool owner=true, bool multiSet=true, bool keepSorted=false, Ordering *ordering=nullptr) |
| Constructor. More...
| TArray (bool owner, bool multiSet=true, bool keepSorted=false, Ordering *ordering=nullptr) |
| Constructor. More...
T * | get (size_t idx) const |
T * | findT (const Object &key) const |
iterator | findIt (const Object &key) const |
void | findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
void | findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) |
| Find an object matching a given key. More...
iterator | findFirstIt (const Object &key, bool insert=false) |
void | findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false) const |
void | findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false) |
| Find the first object matching the given key. More...
iterator | findLastIt (const Object &key) |
void | findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
void | findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) |
| Find the last object matching the given key. More...
bool | add (const T &object) |
bool | add (const T *object) |
bool | add (const Object *object, bool keepSorted) |
void | add (const Collection &collection) |
void | add (size_t idx, size_t num=1) |
void | add (size_t idx, const Object &object) |
void | add (size_t idx, const Object *object) |
void | insert (const Object &object, iterator it) |
void | insert (const Object *object, iterator it) |
void | insert (const Object &object, const BidIt &it) |
void | insert (const Object *object, const BidIt &it) |
| Insert an object before the pointed-to location. More...
void | removeIt (iterator it) |
void | removeIt (iterator begin, iterator end) |
void | removeIt (BidIt &it) |
| Remove the object the given iterator points to. More...
void | removeIt (BidIt &begin, BidIt &end) |
void | replace (iterator it, const Object *newObject) |
void | replace (Array::base_iterator &it, const Object *newObject) |
void | replace (const Object *oldObject, const Object *newObject) |
void | replace (size_t idx, const Object *newObject) |
void | relocate (iterator destIt, iterator srcIt) |
void | relocate (size_t destIdx, size_t srcIdx) |
iterator | begin () const |
iterator | end () const |
T * | operator[] (size_t idx) const |
T * | operator[] (int idx) const |
T * | operator[] (size_t idx) |
T * | operator[] (int idx) |
T & | operator() (size_t idx) const |
T * | operator[] (const Object *object) |
T & | operator() (int idx) const |
| Array (size_t size, size_t increment=size_t_max, bool owner=true, bool multiSet=true, bool keepSorted=false, Ordering *ordering=nullptr) |
| Constructor. More...
| Array (bool owner, bool multiSet=true, bool keepSorted=false, Ordering *ordering=nullptr) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual void | copy (const Object &rhs) |
| Copy another instance. More...
virtual void | steal (Object &rhs) |
| "Steal" the internal representation from another instance. More...
virtual size_t | innerAllocatedSize () const |
| Get the "inner" allocated size. More...
size_t | firstNull () const |
| Return the index of the first null object in the array. More...
Object * | get (size_t idx) const |
| Get the object at the given index. More...
size_t | totalSize () const |
| Get the size of the array (which is only as large as needed). More...
bool | hasHole () const |
| Determine whether there are one or more "holes" in the array. More...
bool | isKeptSorted () const |
| Return the keepSorted flag. More...
bool | isSorted () const |
| Return the sorted flag. More...
void | removeHoles (size_t low=0, size_t high=size_t_max) |
| Remove "holes" within [low,high). More...
void | economize () |
| Make the allocation exactly large enough to contain the last non-null Object*. More...
void | excise () |
| Same as clear(), but in addition the Object*[] array is deleted. More...
void | reserve (size_t minSize) |
| Reserve allocation space. More...
void | set (size_t idx, const Object &object, size_t firstNull=size_t_max) |
| Set the object at the given index. More...
void | set (size_t idx, const Object *object, size_t firstNull=size_t_max) |
| Set the object at the given index. More...
void | setIncrement (size_t increment) |
| Set the growth increment. More...
void | setKeepSorted (bool keepSorted) |
| Set the keepSorted flag. More...
void | setSorted (bool sorted) |
| Set the sorted flag. More...
void | shuffle (size_t low=0, size_t high=size_t_max, randutils::mt19937_64_rng *rng=nullptr) |
| Randomly shuffle objects within [low,high). More...
void | sort () |
virtual void | sort (uint_t algorithm) |
| Sort the collection using the given algorithm. More...
virtual Object * | find (const Object &key) const |
| Find an object matching a given key. More...
size_t | findIndex (const Object &key, uint_t findType=uint_t_max, size_t low=0, size_t high=size_t_max) const |
| Search [low,high) for an object matching the given key. More...
iterator | findIt (const Object &key) const |
| Find the object matching the given key. More...
void | findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
iterator | findFirstIt (const Object &key, bool insert=false) const |
| Find the first object matching the given key. More...
void | findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert) const |
iterator | findLastIt (const Object &key) const |
| Find the last object matching the given key. More...
void | findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
bool | add (const Object &object) |
virtual bool | add (const Object *object) |
| Add an object to the collection. More...
bool | add (const Object *object, bool keepSorted) |
| Add an object, specify the keepSorted flag for the addition. More...
void | add (const Collection &collection) |
void | add (size_t idx, size_t num=1) |
| Add null entries, shifting other objects out of the way to make room. More...
void | add (size_t idx, const Object &object) |
| Add an object at a given index. More...
void | add (size_t idx, const Object *object) |
| Add an object at a given index. More...
void | insert (const Object &object, iterator it) |
void | insert (const Object *object, iterator it) |
void | insert (const Object &object, const BidIt &it) |
virtual void | clear () |
| Remove all objects from the array. More...
bool | remove (const Object *key) |
virtual bool | remove (const Object &key) |
| Remove the object matching the given key. More...
bool | remove (const Object &key, bool relocate, bool preserveOrder=true) |
| Remove the object matching the given key. More...
void | remove (size_t idx, bool relocate=true, bool preserveOrder=true) |
| Remove the object at the given index. More...
void | removeIt (iterator it, bool relocate=true, bool preserveOrder=true) |
| Remove the object referred to by the given iterator. More...
void | removeIt (iterator begin, iterator end, bool relocate=true, bool preserveOrder=true) |
| Remove objects in the range [begin,end). More...
void | removeItems (size_t idx, size_t num, bool relocate=true, bool preserveOrder=true) |
| Remove one or more objects starting at the given index. More...
void | replace (iterator it, const Object *newObject, bool keepSorted=true) |
| Replace the object at it with newObject . More...
void | replace (base_iterator &it, const Object *newObject) |
| Replace the object at it with newObject . More...
void | replace (size_t idx, const Object *newObject) |
| Replace object at idx with newObject . More...
bool | replace (const Object &oldObject, const Object *newObject) |
| Replace oldObject with newObject. More...
bool | replace (const Object *oldObject, const Object *newObject) |
| Replace oldObject with newObject. More...
void | relocate (iterator destIt, iterator srcIt) |
| Relocate an object to a new position. More...
void | relocate (size_t destIdx, size_t srcIdx) |
| Relocate an object to a new position. More...
iterator | begin () const |
iterator | end () const |
virtual RandIt * | beginNew () const |
| Return a const iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection. More...
virtual RandIt * | beginNew () |
| Return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection. More...
virtual RandIt * | endNew () const |
| Return a const iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
virtual RandIt * | endNew () |
| Return an iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
size_t | indexOf (iterator it) const |
bool | isValid (iterator it) const |
Object * | operator[] (size_t idx) const |
| Array access operator. More...
Object * | operator[] (int idx) const |
Object * | operator[] (size_t idx) |
Object * | operator[] (int idx) |
Object & | operator() (size_t idx) const |
| Array access operator (returning reference instead of pointer). More...
Object & | operator() (size_t idx) |
Object & | operator() (int idx) const |
Object & | operator() (int idx) |
Object * | operator[] (const Object *object) |
| Add-or-find access operator (returns Object*). More...
Object & | operator() (const Object *object) |
| Add-or-find access operator (returns Object&). More...
virtual void | sanityCheck () const |
void | clobber (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Where self and rhs intersect, make self's object equal to the rhs version (i.e. More...
virtual int | compare (const Object &rhs) const |
| Compare with another SortedCollection by comparing contained objects. More...
virtual Object * | addOrFind (const Object *object) |
| Add the given object, or find a matching object already contained. More...
virtual bool | addOrUpdate (const Object *object) |
| Add or update the given object. More...
void | insert (const Object &object, const BidIt &it) |
| Insert an object before the pointed-to location. More...
void | reverse () |
| Reverse the order of the contained objects. More...
void | setOrdering (const Ordering &ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort) |
| Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
virtual void | setOrdering (Ordering *ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort) |
| Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
void | findEqualRange (const Object &key, BidIt &begin, BidIt &end) const |
| Find the range elements [begin,end) that match a given key. More...
virtual void | findEqualRange (const Object &key, BidIt &begin, BidIt &end) |
| Find the range of elements [begin,end) that match a given key. More...
void | findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false) const |
| Find the first object matching the given key. More...
void | findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
| Find the last object matching the given key. More...
Object * | findLinear (const Object &key) const |
| Linear search for an object matching the given key. More...
Object * | findLinearSorted (const Object &key) const |
| Linear search for an object matching the given key. More...
bool | remove (const Object *key) |
void | remove (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Remove objects that have a match in rhs. More...
virtual void | removeIt (BidIt &begin, const BidIt &end) |
| Remove part of the collection. More...
SortedCollection & | operator-= (const SortedCollection &rhs) |
| Remove objects that have a match in rhs. More...
Collection * | difference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const |
| Determine the difference between self and rhs. More...
void | intersect (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Set self to the intersection of self and rhs. More...
Collection * | intersection (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr, bool multiSet=false) const |
| Determine the intersection of self and rhs. More...
size_t | intersectCard (const SortedCollection *rhs) const |
| Determine the cardinality of the intersection of self and rhs. More...
bool | intersects (const SortedCollection *rhs) const |
| Determine whether the intersection of self and rhs is non-empty. More...
bool | isSubSet (const SortedCollection *rhs) const |
| Determine whether self is a subset of rhs. More...
bool | isSuperSet (const SortedCollection *rhs) const |
| Determine whether self is a superset of rhs. More...
Collection * | merge (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const |
| Merge with rhs to form a single sorted sequence. More...
Collection * | symmetricDifference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const |
| Determine the symmetric difference of self and rhs. More...
void | symmetricDifference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *lhsOut, Collection *rhsOut) const |
| Determine the symmetric difference of self and rhs. More...
Collection * | unique (Collection *out=nullptr) |
| Remove duplicate objects. More...
SortedCollection & | operator &= (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Intersect with rhs. More...
bool | operator<= (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Determine whether self is a subset of rhs. More...
bool | operator>= (const SortedCollection *rhs) |
| Determine whether self is a superset of rhs. More...
bool | testSorted () const |
| Determine whether the collection is sorted (often useful for testing). More...
void | multiKeyQuickSort (bool key=true, bool reverse=false) |
| Multi-key quick-sort the collection. More...
void | sort () |
| Sort the collection using the quicksort algorithm. More...
void | assertOwner () |
| Assert ownership of contained objects. More...
virtual void | vclone (const Object &rhs) |
| Make an exact copy of another instance. More...
virtual void | dump (Stream &os, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const |
| Dump a human-readable representation of self to the given output stream. More...
virtual void | serialize (Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
| Serialize to or from a stream. More...
void | serialize (const RunTimeClass *rtc, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
| Serialize to/from the given stream. More...
virtual bool | update (const Object *object) |
| Update the given object. More...
bool | isOwner () const |
| Get the owner flag. More...
void | setOwner (bool owner) |
| Set the owner flag. More...
const Ordering * | ordering () const |
| Get the ordering. More...
Ordering * | ordering () |
| Get the ordering. More...
void | setOrdering (const Ordering &ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort) |
| Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Determine whether the collection is empty. More...
bool | isMultiSet () const |
| Get the multiSet flag. More...
void | setMultiSet (bool multiSet) |
| Set the multiSet flag. More...
bool | isMarked () const |
| Get marked flag. More...
void | setMarked (bool marked=true) |
| Set marked flag. More...
size_t | items () const |
| Get the number of contained objects. More...
size_t | size () const |
| Get the number of contained objects. More...
bool | add (const Object &object) |
| Add an object to the collection. More...
void | add (const Collection &collection) |
| Add another collection's objects. More...
virtual BidIt * | addIt (const Object *object) |
| Add an object to the collection. More...
Object * | addOrFind (const Object &object) |
| Add the given object, or find a matching object already contained. More...
bool | addOrUpdate (const Object &object) |
| Add or update the given object. More...
Collection & | copyItems (const Collection *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true) |
| Copy objects from another collection. More...
Collection & | copyItems (const ListNode *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true) |
| Copy objects from a double-linked list. More...
Collection & | copyItems (const SlistNode *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true) |
| Copy objects from a single-linked list. More...
Collection & | stealItems (Collection *src) |
| "Steal" items from another collection. More...
Collection & | operator+= (const Object &rhs) |
| Add an object to the collection. More...
Collection & | operator+= (const Object *rhs) |
| Add an object to the collection. More...
Collection & | operator+= (const Collection &rhs) |
| Add another collection's objects. More...
Collection & | operator-= (const Object &rhs) |
| Remove an object from the collection. More...
void | dump (Stream &os, uint_t level, bool key, bool printClassName, uint_t indent, const char *separator) const |
| Dump contained objects to a stream. More...
virtual String | toString () const |
| Obtain a string representation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects.
String | toString (bool key) const |
| Obtain a string representation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
String | toString (const char *sep, bool key=false) const |
| Obtain a string represenation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
String | toString (const String &sep, bool key=false) const |
| Obtain a string represenation of the collection by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
iterator | begin () const |
| Return a const iterator pointing to the first object in the collection. More...
iterator | begin () |
| Return an iterator pointing to the first object in the collection. More...
virtual BidIt * | createIt () const |
| Create a const iterator. More...
virtual BidIt * | createIt () |
| Create an iterator. More...
iterator | end () const |
| Return a const iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
iterator | end () |
| Return an iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
bool | contains (const Object *key) const |
| Determine whether the collection contains an object matching the given key. More...
bool | contains (const Object &key) const |
| Determine whether the collection contains an object matching the given key. More...
size_t | count (const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true) const |
| Count contained objects. More...
Object * | find (const Object *key) const |
| Find an object matching a given key. More...
void | findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const |
| Find an object matching a given key. More...
Object * | first () const |
| Return the first object (nullptr if empty). More...
bool | has (const Object *key) const |
| See contains(). More...
bool | has (const Object &key) const |
| See contains(). More...
Object * | last () const |
| Get the last object (nullptr if empty). More...
bool | remove (const Object *key) |
| Remove the object matching the given key. More...
Object * | take (BidIt &it) |
| Remove the object the given iterator points to, but do not delete the object even if the collection owns its objects. More...
Object * | operator[] (const Object *object) |
| add-or-find access operator (returns Object*). More...
Object & | operator() (const Object *object) |
| add-or-find access operator (returns Object&). More...
void | clear () |
| Revert to initial state. More...
void | dumpWithClassName (Stream &os, uint_t indent=4, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const |
| Front-end for dump() that prints the object's class name. More...
virtual const Object & | getKey () const |
| Get the key for this object. More...
bool | hasKey () const |
| Determine whether or not the object has a key. More...
virtual const Object & | getProxiedObject () const |
| Get the proxied object (= self if none). More...
virtual Object & | getProxiedObject () |
| Get the proxied object (= self if none). More...
virtual size_t | hash (size_t size) const |
| Get the hash code for the object. More...
bool | _isA (const RunTimeClass *runTimeClass) const |
| Determine whether self's class is a descendent of the given class. More...
| operator String () const |
| Conversion to String. More...
size_t | allocatedSize () const |
| Get the total allocated size of this object. More...
virtual void | addOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const |
| Notify self that it owns the given iterator. More...
virtual void | removeOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const |
| Notify self that the given owned iterator has been destroyed. More...
bool | operator< (const Object &rhs) const |
| Less-than operator. More...
bool | operator<= (const Object &rhs) const |
| Less-than-or-equal-to operator. More...
bool | operator> (const Object &rhs) const |
| Greater-than operator. More...
bool | operator>= (const Object &rhs) const |
| Greater-than-or-equal-to operator. More...
bool | operator== (const Object &rhs) const |
| Equal-to operator. More...
bool | operator!= (const Object &rhs) const |
| Unequal-to operator. More...
void | serializeIn (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
| Serialize from an input stream. More...
void | serializeOut (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const |
| Serialize to an output stream. More...
void | serializeOutBoxed (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const |
| Serialize a boxed object to an output stream. More...