Buffered stream. More...
#include <BufferedStream.h>
Public Member Functions | |
BufferedStream (Stream *stream, bool streamOwner=true, size_t iBufSize=KB(16), size_t oBufSize=KB(16)) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual void | copy (const Object &rhs) |
Copy another instance. More... | |
virtual void | close () |
Close the stream. More... | |
const Stream * | getStream () const |
Get the stream. More... | |
Stream * | getStream () |
Get the stream. More... | |
void | setStream (Stream *stream, bool streamOwner=true, size_t iBufSize=KB(16), size_t oBufSize=KB(16)) |
Set the attached stream. More... | |
Stream * | takeStream () |
Steal the stream. More... | |
bool | eofBlocking () |
Determine whether an EOF condition exists. More... | |
void | setMode (uint_t mode, bool p_setBufs=true) |
Set the mode. More... | |
Stream Status Overrides | |
virtual bool | isInput () const |
Determine whether the stream is an input stream. More... | |
virtual void | setInput (bool input) |
Set the input mode flag. More... | |
virtual bool | isOutput () const |
Determine whether the stream is an output stream. More... | |
virtual void | setOutput (bool output) |
Set the output mode flag. More... | |
virtual bool | eof () const |
Determine whether an EOF condition exists. More... | |
virtual void | setEOF (bool eof) |
Set the EOF flag. More... | |
virtual bool | error () const |
Determine whether an error condition exists. More... | |
virtual void | setError (bool error) |
Set the error flag. More... | |
Buffering | |
bool | hasInput () const |
Has unread input? | |
virtual BufferedStream & | flush (uint_t mode=io_wr) |
Flush the stream (if it is buffered). More... | |
bool | isLineBuffered () const |
Determine whether the stream is line-buffered. More... | |
void | setLineBuffered (bool lineBuffered) |
Set the line-buffered flag. More... | |
void | setBufs (size_t iBufSize=KB(16), size_t oBufSize=KB(16)) |
Set the buffers for input and/or output. More... | |
void | setInputBuf (size_t size=KB(16)) |
Set the input buffer size. More... | |
void | setOutputBuf (size_t size=KB(16)) |
Set the output buffer size. More... | |
I/O Operators | |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (bsmanip0 manip) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (void *ptr) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (const char *str) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (char c) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (char &c) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (byte_t b) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (byte_t &b) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (short n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (short &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (ushort_t n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (ushort_t &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (int n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (int &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (uint_t n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (uint_t &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (long n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (long &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (ulong_t n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (ulong_t &n) |
BufferedStream & | operator<< (double n) |
BufferedStream & | operator>> (double &n) |
![]() | |
bool | isOwner () const |
Get the owner flag. More... | |
void | setOwner (bool owner) |
Set the owner flag. More... | |
size_t | getInputCount () const |
Get the count of input bytes. More... | |
size_t | getOutputCount () const |
Get the count of output bytes. More... | |
uint_t | getMode () const |
Get the current mode. More... | |
const String & | getName () const |
Get the stream's name. More... | |
const String * | getNamePtr () const |
Get the stream's name. More... | |
void | setName (const String &name) |
Set the name. More... | |
void | setName (String *name) |
Set the name. More... | |
virtual bool | isBOL () const |
Get the begin-of-line flag. More... | |
virtual void | setBOL (bool p_bol) |
Set the BOL flag. More... | |
bool | isRDWR () const |
Determine whether the stream is an input/output stream. More... | |
void | setBase (uint_t base) |
Set the base, for writing integer values. More... | |
void | setMode (uint_t mode) |
Set the mode. More... | |
Stream & | put (byte_t b) |
Write the given character. More... | |
Stream & | put (char c) |
Write the given character. More... | |
Stream & | put (int c) |
Write the given character. More... | |
Stream & | put (const char *str) |
Write the given string. More... | |
Stream & | put (const char *str, size_t len) |
Write the given string. More... | |
Stream & | putBit (bool b) |
Write the given bit. More... | |
Stream & | putBits () |
Write all outstanding bits. More... | |
Stream & | putBits (uint32_t n, uint_t numBits) |
Write multiple bits. More... | |
Stream & | putLine (const char *str) |
Write the given string, followed by a newline. More... | |
void | writeSpaces (size_t num) |
Write spaces. More... | |
Stream & | operator<< (smanip0 manip) |
Execute a manipulator (e.g. More... | |
Stream & | operator<< (void *ptr) |
Write a void pointer. More... | |
Stream & | operator<< (const char *str) |
Write a string. More... | |
Stream & | operator<< (char c) |
Stream & | operator>> (char &c) |
Stream & | operator<< (byte_t b) |
Stream & | operator>> (byte_t &b) |
Stream & | operator<< (int16_t n) |
Stream & | operator>> (int16_t &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (uint16_t n) |
Stream & | operator>> (uint16_t &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (int32_t n) |
Stream & | operator>> (int32_t &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (uint32_t n) |
Stream & | operator>> (uint32_t &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (long n) |
Stream & | operator>> (long &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (ulong_t n) |
Stream & | operator>> (ulong_t &n) |
Stream & | operator<< (double n) |
Stream & | operator>> (double &n) |
uint_t | getIndent () const |
Get the indentation level. More... | |
void | setIndent (uint_t indent) |
Set the indentation level. More... | |
void | indent (uint_t num=4) |
Increase indentation by the given number of spaces. More... | |
void | unindent (uint_t num=4) |
Decrease indentation by the given number of spaces. More... | |
void | checkOK () |
If there is an error condition (error()), throw StreamErrorEx. More... | |
void | clearEOF () |
Clear the EOF condition. More... | |
void | clearError () |
Clear the error condition. More... | |
bool | ok () const |
Determine whether an error condition exists. More... | |
size_t | copyData (Stream &in, size_t numBytes=size_t_max, size_t bufSize=KB(4)) |
Copy data from another stream. More... | |
void | get (byte_t &b) |
Get a single byte. More... | |
void | get (char &c) |
Get a single char. More... | |
byte_t | get () |
Get a single byte. More... | |
bool | getBit () |
Get a single bit. More... | |
uint32_t | getBits (uint_t numBits) |
Get multiple bits. More... | |
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void | clear () |
Revert to initial state. More... | |
virtual int | compare (const Object &rhs) const |
Compare with another object. More... | |
virtual void | vclone (const Object &rhs) |
Make an exact copy of another instance. More... | |
virtual void | steal (Object &rhs) |
"Steal" the internal representation from another instance. More... | |
virtual void | dump (Stream &os, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const |
Dump a human-readable representation of self to the given output stream. More... | |
void | dumpWithClassName (Stream &os, uint_t indent=4, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const |
Front-end for dump() that prints the object's class name. More... | |
virtual const Object & | getKey () const |
Get the key for this object. More... | |
bool | hasKey () const |
Determine whether or not the object has a key. More... | |
virtual const Object & | getProxiedObject () const |
Get the proxied object (= self if none). More... | |
virtual Object & | getProxiedObject () |
Get the proxied object (= self if none). More... | |
virtual size_t | hash (size_t size) const |
Get the hash code for the object. More... | |
bool | _isA (const RunTimeClass *runTimeClass) const |
Determine whether self's class is a descendent of the given class. More... | |
virtual String | toString () const |
Return a string representation of self. More... | |
operator String () const | |
Conversion to String. More... | |
size_t | allocatedSize () const |
Get the total allocated size of this object. More... | |
virtual size_t | innerAllocatedSize () const |
Get the "inner" allocated size. More... | |
virtual void | addOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const |
Notify self that it owns the given iterator. More... | |
virtual void | removeOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const |
Notify self that the given owned iterator has been destroyed. More... | |
bool | operator< (const Object &rhs) const |
Less-than operator. More... | |
bool | operator<= (const Object &rhs) const |
Less-than-or-equal-to operator. More... | |
bool | operator> (const Object &rhs) const |
Greater-than operator. More... | |
bool | operator>= (const Object &rhs) const |
Greater-than-or-equal-to operator. More... | |
bool | operator== (const Object &rhs) const |
Equal-to operator. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const Object &rhs) const |
Unequal-to operator. More... | |
void | serializeIn (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize from an input stream. More... | |
void | serializeOut (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const |
Serialize to an output stream. More... | |
virtual void | serialize (Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize to or from a stream. More... | |
void | serializeOutBoxed (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const |
Serialize a boxed object to an output stream. More... | |
Input | |
void | get (byte_t &b) |
void | get (char &c) |
byte_t | get () |
byte_t | peek () |
Peek at the next byte to be read from the stream. More... | |
virtual Stream & | readLine (String &str) |
Read a line from stream into the given String object. More... | |
virtual size_t | read (byte_t *array, size_t maxBytes, size_t minBytes=size_t_max) |
Read data into a given buffer. More... | |
void | unget (byte_t b) |
Un-get a byte. More... | |
void | unget (char c) |
Unget a char. More... | |
virtual void | underflow () |
Read from the underlying stream into the input buffer. More... | |
Output | |
virtual BufferedStream & | newline () |
Write a newline. More... | |
BufferedStream & | newline (bool forceFlush) |
Write a newline. More... | |
BufferedStream & | put (byte_t b) |
Write the given byte. More... | |
BufferedStream & | put (char c) |
Write the given character. More... | |
BufferedStream & | put (int c) |
Write the given character. More... | |
virtual void | write (const byte_t *array, size_t num) |
Write a sequence of bytes. More... | |
virtual void | overflow () |
Write the contents of the output buffer to the underlying stream. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static Object * | serializeInNullable (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize a nullptr-able object from an input stream. More... | |
static void | serializeOutNullable (const Object *object, Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize a nullptr-able object to an output stream. More... | |
static void | serializeNullable (Object *&object, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize a nullptr-able object to or from a stream. More... | |
static Object * | serializeInBoxed (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize a boxed object from an input stream. More... | |
static void | serializeBoxed (Object *&object, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default) |
Serialize a boxed object to or from a stream. More... | |
![]() | |
void | indentIfBOL () |
If begin-of-line flag is true, clear the flag and indent. More... | |
void | _indentIfBOL () |
Write _indent spaces at beginning of line. More... | |
void | throwStreamEOFex () |
Throw a StreamEOFex exception. More... | |
void | throwStreamErrorEx () |
Throw a StreamErrorEx exception. More... | |
void | readToken (char *buf, size_t size) |
Read a token from the stream. More... | |
void | readUntilWS (char *buf, size_t size) |
Read until a whitespace character is encountered. More... | |
byte_t | skipWS () |
Skip past whitespace. More... | |
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FlagsMI () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~FlagsMI () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | copyFlags (const FlagsMI &rhs) |
Copy the given flags. More... | |
void | copyFlags (const FlagsMI &rhs, uint_t lsb, uint_t msb) |
Copy (some of) the given flags. More... | |
void | copyFlags (uint64_t flags, uint_t lsb, uint_t msb) |
Copy (some of) the given flags. More... | |
bool | getFlag (uint_t flagNum) const |
Get a user-defined flag. More... | |
void | setFlag (uint_t flagNum, bool val) |
Set a user-defined flag. More... | |
uint64_t | getFlagsNumber (uint64_t mask, uint64_t shift=0) |
Get a multi-bit value in the flags data (which is stored as one 64-bit integer). More... | |
void | setFlagsNumber (uint64_t mask, uint64_t shift, uint64_t num) |
Set a multi-bit value in the flags data (which is stored as one 64-bit integer). More... | |
uint64_t | getFlags () const |
Get the flags. More... | |
void | setFlags (uint64_t flags) |
Set the flags. More... | |
Buffered stream.
BufferedStream provides input and/or output buffering for a stream.
Definition at line 38 of file BufferedStream.h.
inline |
stream | buffered stream |
streamOwner | (optional : true) stream is owned? |
iBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) input buffer size |
oBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) output buffer size |
Definition at line 50 of file BufferedStream.h.
References utl::copy(), and utl::init().
virtual |
Copy another instance.
When you override copy(), you should usually call the superclass's copy().
rhs | object to copy |
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
virtual |
Determine whether the stream is an input stream.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Set the input mode flag.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Determine whether the stream is an output stream.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Set the output mode flag.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Determine whether an EOF condition exists.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Set the EOF flag.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Determine whether an error condition exists.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Set the error flag.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
inline |
Get the stream.
Definition at line 77 of file BufferedStream.h.
inline |
void utl::BufferedStream::setStream | ( | Stream * | stream, |
bool | streamOwner = true , |
size_t | iBufSize = KB(16) , |
size_t | oBufSize = KB(16) |
) |
Set the attached stream.
stream | buffered stream |
streamOwner | (optional : true) stream is owned? |
iBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) input buffer size |
oBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) output buffer size |
Stream* utl::BufferedStream::takeStream | ( | ) |
Steal the stream.
bool utl::BufferedStream::eofBlocking | ( | ) |
Determine whether an EOF condition exists.
If an EOF condition doesn't exist, attempt to read data from the stream. If no data can be read into the buffer, return true, otherwise return false.
inline |
Set the mode.
mode | I/O mode (see utl::io_t) |
p_setBufs | (optional : true) set default buffer sizes? |
Definition at line 117 of file BufferedStream.h.
References ASSERTD, utl::io_rd, utl::io_wr, and utl::size_t_max.
byte_t utl::BufferedStream::peek | ( | ) |
Peek at the next byte to be read from the stream.
Read a line from stream into the given String object.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
virtual |
Read data into a given buffer.
array | buffer to read into |
maxBytes | maximum number of bytes to read |
minBytes | (optional : maxBytes) minimum number of bytes to read |
Implements utl::Stream.
inline |
Un-get a byte.
You may not un-get more than one byte in a row.
Definition at line 158 of file BufferedStream.h.
References ASSERTD.
inline |
Unget a char.
You may not un-get more than one char in a row.
Definition at line 167 of file BufferedStream.h.
inlinevirtual |
Write a newline.
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
Definition at line 177 of file BufferedStream.h.
Referenced by utl::endl(), and utl::endlf().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Write the given character.
Definition at line 205 of file BufferedStream.h.
inline |
Write the given character.
Definition at line 218 of file BufferedStream.h.
virtual |
Write a sequence of bytes.
array | data to write |
num | number of bytes to write |
Implements utl::Stream.
virtual |
Flush the stream (if it is buffered).
mode | see utl::io_t |
Reimplemented from utl::Stream.
Referenced by utl::flush().
inline |
Determine whether the stream is line-buffered.
Definition at line 239 of file BufferedStream.h.
References utl::io_lineBuffered.
inline |
Set the line-buffered flag.
Definition at line 246 of file BufferedStream.h.
References utl::deInit(), utl::init(), utl::io_lineBuffered, utl::KB(), operator<<(), and operator>>().
Set the buffers for input and/or output.
iBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) input buffer size |
oBufSize | (optional : 16 kb) output buffer size |
void utl::BufferedStream::setInputBuf | ( | size_t | size = KB(16) | ) |
Set the input buffer size.
size | (optional : 16 kilobytes) buffer size |
void utl::BufferedStream::setOutputBuf | ( | size_t | size = KB(16) | ) |
Set the output buffer size.
size | (optional : 16 kilobytes) buffer size |
protectedvirtual |
Read from the underlying stream into the input buffer.
Upon return, _iBufPos = 0 and _iBufLim = number of bytes in the input buffer.
Reimplemented in utl::Encoder, and utl::SyslogStream.
protectedvirtual |
Write the contents of the output buffer to the underlying stream.
Upon return, _oBufPos = 0.
Reimplemented in utl::Encoder, and utl::SyslogStream.