utl::SkipList Class Reference

Skip list. More...

#include <SkipList.h>

Inheritance diagram for utl::SkipList:

Public Member Functions

 SkipList (bool owner, bool multiSet=false, Ordering *ordering=nullptr, uint_t maxLevel=19)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void steal (Object &rhs)
 "Steal" the internal representation from another instance. More...
virtual size_t innerAllocatedSize () const
 Get the "inner" allocated size. More...
virtual Objectfind (const Object &key) const
 Find an object matching a given key. More...
iterator findIt (const Object &key) const
iterator findIt (const Object &key)
void findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const
virtual void findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it)
 Find an object matching a given key. More...
void findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false) const
virtual void findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false)
 Find the first object matching the given key. More...
iterator findFirstIt (const Object &key, bool insert=false) const
 Find the first object matching the given key. More...
iterator findFirstIt (const Object &key, bool insert=false)
 Find the first object matching the given key. More...
void findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const
virtual void findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it)
 Find the last object matching the given key. More...
iterator findLastIt (const Object &key) const
 Find the last object matching the given key. More...
iterator findLastIt (const Object &key)
 Find the last object matching the given key. More...
Adding Objects
bool add (const Object &object)
virtual bool add (const Object *object)
 Add an object to the collection. More...
void add (const Collection &collection)
void insert (const Object &object, const BidIt &it)
virtual void insert (const Object *object, const BidIt &it)
 Insert an object before the pointed-to location. More...
Removing Objects
virtual void clear ()
 Clear the collection by removing all objects. More...
bool remove (const Object *key)
virtual bool remove (const Object &key)
 Remove the object matching the given key. More...
virtual void removeIt (BidIt &it)
 Remove the object the given iterator points to. More...
iterator begin () const
iterator begin ()
virtual BidItbeginNew () const
 Return a const iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection. More...
virtual BidItbeginNew ()
 Return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection. More...
iterator end () const
iterator end ()
virtual BidItendNew () const
 Return a const iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
virtual BidItendNew ()
 Return an iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utl::SortedCollection
void clobber (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Where self and rhs intersect, make self's object equal to the rhs version (i.e. More...
virtual int compare (const Object &rhs) const
 Compare with another SortedCollection by comparing contained objects. More...
virtual ObjectaddOrFind (const Object *object)
 Add the given object, or find a matching object already contained. More...
virtual bool addOrUpdate (const Object *object)
 Add or update the given object. More...
void insert (const Object &object, const BidIt &it)
 Insert an object before the pointed-to location. More...
void reverse ()
 Reverse the order of the contained objects. More...
void setOrdering (const Ordering &ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort)
 Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
virtual void setOrdering (Ordering *ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort)
 Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
void findEqualRange (const Object &key, BidIt &begin, BidIt &end) const
 Find the range elements [begin,end) that match a given key. More...
virtual void findEqualRange (const Object &key, BidIt &begin, BidIt &end)
 Find the range of elements [begin,end) that match a given key. More...
void findFirstIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it, bool insert=false) const
 Find the first object matching the given key. More...
void findLastIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const
 Find the last object matching the given key. More...
ObjectfindLinear (const Object &key) const
 Linear search for an object matching the given key. More...
ObjectfindLinearSorted (const Object &key) const
 Linear search for an object matching the given key. More...
bool remove (const Object *key)
void remove (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Remove objects that have a match in rhs. More...
virtual void removeIt (BidIt &begin, const BidIt &end)
 Remove part of the collection. More...
SortedCollectionoperator-= (const SortedCollection &rhs)
 Remove objects that have a match in rhs. More...
Collectiondifference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const
 Determine the difference between self and rhs. More...
void intersect (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Set self to the intersection of self and rhs. More...
Collectionintersection (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr, bool multiSet=false) const
 Determine the intersection of self and rhs. More...
size_t intersectCard (const SortedCollection *rhs) const
 Determine the cardinality of the intersection of self and rhs. More...
bool intersects (const SortedCollection *rhs) const
 Determine whether the intersection of self and rhs is non-empty. More...
bool isSubSet (const SortedCollection *rhs) const
 Determine whether self is a subset of rhs. More...
bool isSuperSet (const SortedCollection *rhs) const
 Determine whether self is a superset of rhs. More...
Collectionmerge (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const
 Merge with rhs to form a single sorted sequence. More...
CollectionsymmetricDifference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *out=nullptr) const
 Determine the symmetric difference of self and rhs. More...
void symmetricDifference (const SortedCollection *rhs, Collection *lhsOut, Collection *rhsOut) const
 Determine the symmetric difference of self and rhs. More...
Collectionunique (Collection *out=nullptr)
 Remove duplicate objects. More...
SortedCollectionoperator &= (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Intersect with rhs. More...
bool operator<= (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Determine whether self is a subset of rhs. More...
bool operator>= (const SortedCollection *rhs)
 Determine whether self is a superset of rhs. More...
bool testSorted () const
 Determine whether the collection is sorted (often useful for testing). More...
void multiKeyQuickSort (bool key=true, bool reverse=false)
 Multi-key quick-sort the collection. More...
void sort ()
 Sort the collection using the quicksort algorithm. More...
virtual void sort (uint_t algorithm)
 Sort the collection using the given algorithm. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utl::Collection
void assertOwner ()
 Assert ownership of contained objects. More...
virtual void copy (const Object &rhs)
 Copy another instance. More...
virtual void vclone (const Object &rhs)
 Make an exact copy of another instance. More...
virtual void dump (Stream &os, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const
 Dump a human-readable representation of self to the given output stream. More...
virtual void serialize (Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize to or from a stream. More...
void serialize (const RunTimeClass *rtc, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize to/from the given stream. More...
virtual bool update (const Object *object)
 Update the given object. More...
bool isOwner () const
 Get the owner flag. More...
void setOwner (bool owner)
 Set the owner flag. More...
const Orderingordering () const
 Get the ordering. More...
Orderingordering ()
 Get the ordering. More...
void setOrdering (const Ordering &ordering, uint_t algorithm=sort_quickSort)
 Set the ordering, and optionally sort the collection to reflect the new ordering. More...
bool empty () const
 Determine whether the collection is empty. More...
bool isMultiSet () const
 Get the multiSet flag. More...
void setMultiSet (bool multiSet)
 Set the multiSet flag. More...
bool isMarked () const
 Get marked flag. More...
void setMarked (bool marked=true)
 Set marked flag. More...
size_t items () const
 Get the number of contained objects. More...
size_t size () const
 Get the number of contained objects. More...
bool add (const Object &object)
 Add an object to the collection. More...
void add (const Collection &collection)
 Add another collection's objects. More...
virtual BidItaddIt (const Object *object)
 Add an object to the collection. More...
ObjectaddOrFind (const Object &object)
 Add the given object, or find a matching object already contained. More...
bool addOrUpdate (const Object &object)
 Add or update the given object. More...
CollectioncopyItems (const Collection *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true)
 Copy objects from another collection. More...
CollectioncopyItems (const ListNode *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true)
 Copy objects from a double-linked list. More...
CollectioncopyItems (const SlistNode *src, const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true)
 Copy objects from a single-linked list. More...
CollectionstealItems (Collection *src)
 "Steal" items from another collection. More...
Collectionoperator+= (const Object &rhs)
 Add an object to the collection. More...
Collectionoperator+= (const Object *rhs)
 Add an object to the collection. More...
Collectionoperator+= (const Collection &rhs)
 Add another collection's objects. More...
Collectionoperator-= (const Object &rhs)
 Remove an object from the collection. More...
void dump (Stream &os, uint_t level, bool key, bool printClassName, uint_t indent, const char *separator) const
 Dump contained objects to a stream. More...
virtual String toString () const
 Obtain a string representation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects.
String toString (bool key) const
 Obtain a string representation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
String toString (const char *sep, bool key=false) const
 Obtain a string represenation by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
String toString (const String &sep, bool key=false) const
 Obtain a string represenation of the collection by invoking Object::toString() on all contained objects (or their keys). More...
iterator begin () const
 Return a const iterator pointing to the first object in the collection. More...
iterator begin ()
 Return an iterator pointing to the first object in the collection. More...
virtual BidItcreateIt () const
 Create a const iterator. More...
virtual BidItcreateIt ()
 Create an iterator. More...
iterator end () const
 Return a const iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
iterator end ()
 Return an iterator pointing to the end of the collection. More...
bool contains (const Object *key) const
 Determine whether the collection contains an object matching the given key. More...
bool contains (const Object &key) const
 Determine whether the collection contains an object matching the given key. More...
size_t count (const Predicate *pred=nullptr, bool predVal=true) const
 Count contained objects. More...
Objectfind (const Object *key) const
 Find an object matching a given key. More...
void findIt (const Object &key, BidIt &it) const
 Find an object matching a given key. More...
Objectfirst () const
 Return the first object (nullptr if empty). More...
bool has (const Object *key) const
 See contains(). More...
bool has (const Object &key) const
 See contains(). More...
Objectlast () const
 Get the last object (nullptr if empty). More...
bool remove (const Object *key)
 Remove the object matching the given key. More...
Objecttake (BidIt &it)
 Remove the object the given iterator points to, but do not delete the object even if the collection owns its objects. More...
Objectoperator[] (const Object *object)
 add-or-find access operator (returns Object*). More...
Objectoperator() (const Object *object)
 add-or-find access operator (returns Object&). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from utl::Object
void clear ()
 Revert to initial state. More...
void dumpWithClassName (Stream &os, uint_t indent=4, uint_t level=uint_t_max) const
 Front-end for dump() that prints the object's class name. More...
virtual const ObjectgetKey () const
 Get the key for this object. More...
bool hasKey () const
 Determine whether or not the object has a key. More...
virtual const ObjectgetProxiedObject () const
 Get the proxied object (= self if none). More...
virtual ObjectgetProxiedObject ()
 Get the proxied object (= self if none). More...
virtual size_t hash (size_t size) const
 Get the hash code for the object. More...
bool _isA (const RunTimeClass *runTimeClass) const
 Determine whether self's class is a descendent of the given class. More...
 operator String () const
 Conversion to String. More...
size_t allocatedSize () const
 Get the total allocated size of this object. More...
virtual void addOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const
 Notify self that it owns the given iterator. More...
virtual void removeOwnedIt (const class FwdIt *it) const
 Notify self that the given owned iterator has been destroyed. More...
bool operator< (const Object &rhs) const
 Less-than operator. More...
bool operator<= (const Object &rhs) const
 Less-than-or-equal-to operator. More...
bool operator> (const Object &rhs) const
 Greater-than operator. More...
bool operator>= (const Object &rhs) const
 Greater-than-or-equal-to operator. More...
bool operator== (const Object &rhs) const
 Equal-to operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Object &rhs) const
 Unequal-to operator. More...
void serializeIn (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize from an input stream. More...
void serializeOut (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const
 Serialize to an output stream. More...
void serializeOutBoxed (Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default) const
 Serialize a boxed object to an output stream. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from utl::Object
static ObjectserializeInNullable (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize a nullptr-able object from an input stream. More...
static void serializeOutNullable (const Object *object, Stream &os, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize a nullptr-able object to an output stream. More...
static void serializeNullable (Object *&object, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize a nullptr-able object to or from a stream. More...
static ObjectserializeInBoxed (Stream &is, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize a boxed object from an input stream. More...
static void serializeBoxed (Object *&object, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default)
 Serialize a boxed object to or from a stream. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from utl::FlagsMI
 FlagsMI ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~FlagsMI ()
 Destructor. More...
void copyFlags (const FlagsMI &rhs)
 Copy the given flags. More...
void copyFlags (const FlagsMI &rhs, uint_t lsb, uint_t msb)
 Copy (some of) the given flags. More...
void copyFlags (uint64_t flags, uint_t lsb, uint_t msb)
 Copy (some of) the given flags. More...
bool getFlag (uint_t flagNum) const
 Get a user-defined flag. More...
void setFlag (uint_t flagNum, bool val)
 Set a user-defined flag. More...
uint64_t getFlagsNumber (uint64_t mask, uint64_t shift=0)
 Get a multi-bit value in the flags data (which is stored as one 64-bit integer). More...
void setFlagsNumber (uint64_t mask, uint64_t shift, uint64_t num)
 Set a multi-bit value in the flags data (which is stored as one 64-bit integer). More...
uint64_t getFlags () const
 Get the flags. More...
void setFlags (uint64_t flags)
 Set the flags. More...

Detailed Description

Skip list.

A skip list is simpler to implement and understand than a balanced binary tree. In theory, the performance characteristics of a skip list are similar to those of a balanced binary tree. In my own performance tests, I found that for adding & removing objects, this implementation is slower than RBtree by a constant (but significant) factor. On the other hand, the iteration performance of SkipList is markedly superior to that of RBtree (since there is no need to do inorder traversal of a tree structure). I encourage you to look at the code to see how it can be optimized. I'll happily accept any patches that help the performance.

For practical use, I would recommend RBtree over SkipList. I leave SkipList in the library for educational purposes.

If you decide to use SkipList or experiment with it, I recommend you set maxLevel (in the constructor) based on your expectation of how many objects the data structure will contain. The default value of maxLevel is 19 which is appropriate for storing around 2^20 objects (just over one million). If you expected to store up to about sixty thousand objects, you'd use a maxLevel of 15 (2^16 = 65,536). If you aren't sure how many objects the structure will contain, you're probably better off to err on the side of a larger value for maxLevel.

Adam McKee

Definition at line 51 of file SkipList.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SkipList()

utl::SkipList::SkipList ( bool  owner,
bool  multiSet = false,
Ordering ordering = nullptr,
uint_t  maxLevel = 19 


ownerowner flag
multiSet(optional : false) multiSet flag
ordering(optional) ordering
maxLevel(optional : 19) number of levels minus one

Definition at line 67 of file SkipList.h.

References ASSERTD, const_cast_this, utl::deInit(), utl::find_first, IFDEBUG, utl::init(), and utl::FwdIt::setConst().

Member Function Documentation

◆ steal()

virtual void utl::SkipList::steal ( Object rhs)

"Steal" the internal representation from another instance.

The default implementation just calls vclone(), so you have to override this if you want a "move" capability.

Reimplemented from utl::Collection.

◆ innerAllocatedSize()

virtual size_t utl::SkipList::innerAllocatedSize ( ) const

Get the "inner" allocated size.

Reimplemented from utl::Collection.

◆ find()

virtual Object* utl::SkipList::find ( const Object key) const

Find an object matching a given key.

found object (nullptr if none)
keysearch key

Reimplemented from utl::Collection.

◆ findIt()

virtual void utl::SkipList::findIt ( const Object key,
BidIt it 

Find an object matching a given key.

keysearch key
itresult iterator (= end() if no object found)

Reimplemented from utl::Collection.

◆ findFirstIt() [1/3]

virtual void utl::SkipList::findFirstIt ( const Object key,
BidIt it,
bool  insert = false 

Find the first object matching the given key.

keysearch key
itresult iterator (= end if no object found)
insert(optional : false) find insertion point?

Reimplemented from utl::SortedCollection.

Reimplemented in utl::TSkipList< T >.

◆ findFirstIt() [2/3]

iterator utl::SkipList::findFirstIt ( const Object key,
bool  insert = false 
) const

Find the first object matching the given key.

const iterator for found object (= end if none found)
keysearch key
insert(optional : false) find insertion point?

◆ findFirstIt() [3/3]

iterator utl::SkipList::findFirstIt ( const Object key,
bool  insert = false 

Find the first object matching the given key.

iterator for found object (= end if none found)
keysearch key
insert(optional : false) find insertion point?

◆ findLastIt() [1/3]

virtual void utl::SkipList::findLastIt ( const Object key,
BidIt it 

Find the last object matching the given key.

keysearch key
itresult iterator (= end if no object found)

Reimplemented from utl::SortedCollection.

Reimplemented in utl::TSkipList< T >.

◆ findLastIt() [2/3]

iterator utl::SkipList::findLastIt ( const Object key) const

Find the last object matching the given key.

const iterator for found object (= end if none found)
keysearch key

◆ findLastIt() [3/3]

iterator utl::SkipList::findLastIt ( const Object key)

Find the last object matching the given key.

iterator for found object (= end if none found)
keysearch key

◆ add()

virtual bool utl::SkipList::add ( const Object object)

Add an object to the collection.

true if successful, false otherwise
objectobject to add

Implements utl::Collection.

◆ insert()

virtual void utl::SkipList::insert ( const Object object,
const BidIt it 

Insert an object before the pointed-to location.

objectobject being inserted
itreference location

Reimplemented from utl::SortedCollection.

◆ clear()

virtual void utl::SkipList::clear ( )

Clear the collection by removing all objects.

Implements utl::Collection.

◆ remove()

virtual bool utl::SkipList::remove ( const Object key)

Remove the object matching the given key.

true if object found and removed, false otherwise
keysearch key

Reimplemented from utl::SortedCollection.

Reimplemented in utl::TSkipList< T >.

◆ removeIt()

virtual void utl::SkipList::removeIt ( BidIt it)

Remove the object the given iterator points to.


Reimplemented from utl::SortedCollection.

◆ beginNew() [1/2]

BidIt * utl::SkipList::beginNew ( ) const

Return a const iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection.

Implements utl::Collection.

Definition at line 163 of file SkipListIt.h.

References IFDEBUG, and utl::FwdIt::setConst().

◆ beginNew() [2/2]

BidIt * utl::SkipList::beginNew ( )

Return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the collection.

Implements utl::Collection.

Definition at line 173 of file SkipListIt.h.

References IFDEBUG, and utl::FwdIt::setConst().

◆ endNew() [1/2]

BidIt * utl::SkipList::endNew ( ) const

Return a const iterator pointing to the end of the collection.

Implements utl::Collection.

Definition at line 199 of file SkipListIt.h.

References IFDEBUG, and utl::FwdIt::setConst().

◆ endNew() [2/2]

BidIt * utl::SkipList::endNew ( )

Return an iterator pointing to the end of the collection.

Implements utl::Collection.

Definition at line 209 of file SkipListIt.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: