5 #include <libutl/Integer.h> #define UTL_CLASS_DEFID
Default init() and deInit() (which are merely place-holders).
void serialize(bool &b, Stream &stream, uint_t io, uint_t mode=ser_default)
Serialize a boolean.
bool isCntrl() const
Determine whether character is a control character.
default representation (via getSerializeMode())
Declaration of standard UTL++ functionality for a non-template class.
bool isAlpha() const
Determine whether character is alphabetic: [a-zA-Z].
bool isDigit() const
Determine whether character is a digit: [0-9].
bool isLower() const
Determine whether character is lowercase: [a-z].
bool isAlnum() const
Determine whether character is alpha-numeric: [a-zA-Z0-9].
unsigned int uint_t
Unsigned integer.
bool isPunct() const
Determine whether character is printable, but not a space or alpha-numeric.
bool isSpace() const
Determine whether character is white-space.
bool isGraph() const
Determine whether character is printable (excluding space).
bool isAscii() const
Determine whether character is 7-bit ASCII.
bool isHexDigit() const
Determine whether character is a hex digit: [0-9a-fA-F].
bool isPrint() const
Determine whether character is printable (including space).
bool isUpper() const
Determine whether character is upper-case: [A-Z].